Lagos state scheme of work for ss2 third term

Lagos state scheme of work for ss2 third term. Review of 1 st term’s work and conic section: definition of circles and part of circle. Government roles in fighting drug abuse and trafficking. TEACHER/Pupils T. Week 1; Revision/Nuclear Chemistry. Lilo awon eya ara fun ibanisoro bii sise ni ni eekanna, ori gbongbon, oju sise, ara mimi, titenimole, imu yinyin ati iparoko. Students are guided to identify the uses and maintenance practices of surveying equipment. Writing an outline. Drug use and abuse. World Wide Web, Web structure, genesis, its evolution (1) By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: • Become familiar with World Wide Web • Become familiar with Web structure and how the Web works. Week 3. The scheme of work for Mathematics in SS 2 (senior secondary school one) for 2024/2025 academic session is out. WEEK 7 REVIEW OF FIRST HALF TERM’S. Week 10. Review of SS2 examination questions. This scheme of work contains week, topics, Activities as well as SS2 First Term Commerce Scheme of work Lagos State. Partial 29 Min Read. Classify stocks 3. Students, in small groups, present a feasibility study of a said production or business setup (Group project) 4. Size the still life/natural objects Students on an individual basis. Use quadratic box to expand quadratic equations. How to Download Complete Further Mathematics Scheme of Work SSS1-3. ****. Jun 30, 2020 · Economics Scheme Of Work For SS2 First Term, Second Term And Third Term. The elements of design e. WEEK 2; COST CONCEPT: – Meaning of cost of production 1. EMBEDDED CORE SKILLS. DATA PROCESSING SS 2 SECOND TERM SCHEME. First Term SS2 Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work NAPPS. sounds correctly. WEEK 1; Revision of last term’s work. All learning resources used during the first and second term’s SS 2. Students as a class discuss. Read Also. 7 Inter-communal Relationship. SSS 2 Biology Scheme of Work First Term. Students in small groups apply formula to solve calculation/problems on work, energy and power. SSS 2 Christian Religious Studies Scheme of Work First Term. Readiness Assessment Test/last term’s work Test Revision. 19:1-6. Week 7 – Territorial Behaviour in Organisms. WEEK 5 Cellular Respiration. WEEK 2 DISTANCES AND TIME, REAL LIFE GRAPH. Apola oruko ati apola ise iii. Simple machines. 3eme L’objet direct/l’objet indirect. N. 5 The Roles of Individuals and Government in Maintaining Traffic Regulations. com Economics Scheme of Work SSS2 Third Term. Lagos State ICT Scheme of Work JSS2 – Schemeofwork. Leads students’ to deduce the completing the square method and solve some problems. WEEK 2; Partnership accounts. SS2 First Term Biology Scheme of work – Modified. LEARNING RESOURCES. Matrices and Determinants (2×2, 3×3): basic definitions; Matrices as linear transformations. English Language third term Scheme of work for Nigeria senior secondary school two (SS2) students. ASA – Afiwe asa Isinku abinibi ati eto sinku ode oni. SS2 Photography Syllabus for Secondary School Lagos State. Week 4: General Overview of the novel – Faceless. Information Technology for Junior Secondary School Nigeria. Revision. Students, in small groups, discuss the factors to consider in planning a farmstead and give reasons for each factor. v. Demonstrate the preparation of stocks, soups and sauces. Senior Secondary School Scheme of work Economics First Term SS2 Edudelight. WEEK 4 & 5 Sulphur and its Compounds. WEEK 2. By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Describe the system of government of Hausa/Fulani, Igbo and Yoruba pre-colonial days Explain the roles of the components of their respective structures compare the different pre-colonial administration. iii). 3 Theory of Consumer Behaviour. Week 5 -Reflex and Voluntary Action. t. To scroll through the lesson note, use the up and down arrows on the toolbar below. WEEK 10 – 12 Revision and Examination. . Graphic Package II. Revision of last term’s work/Local Geography. Week 3: Character Analysis 1. Describe a point and a line in space 2. 4. 1-3 Marbling by squeezing method. – fissional fusion in nuclear reactors. Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Second Term SS2 CRS Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the Second Term SS2 CRS Lesson Note. g. Students solve some equations in preparation for. 2eme La Grammaire/Les pronoms. Week 1: Models of the atom: concept of the atom Rutherford, Bohr, Electron – cloud models, limitations pf physical models. E PROGRAMME: Students should be able to: 1. Graphic Package III. By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: 1. Week 2; – Nuclear reaction. By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Refuse the Cartesian system to locate the position of objective on the u-v plane. Reading comprehension. Week 2 -Endocrine Gland. The teacher to demonstrate Boyle’s law using Boyle’s law apparatus. 8 Settlement of Disputes in Inter-communal Societies. 6 Depreciation of Fixed Assets. Guide students using a variable to represent exponential. First Term SS3 French Scheme of work Lagos State NAPPS. To get the complete F/Maths Scheme of work for senior secondary school that contain the following. Students, in the some groups, produce or come up with betting packages for their products. Application of Newton’s laws’ resultant forces and acceleration. -The teacher leads the students to define internet -list internet browsers (Opera, Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, UC) etc. How to get Complete F/Maths Scheme of Work SSS1-3. Lagos State Commerce Scheme of work SS2 Third Term. Mathematics is a subject offered at all levels ranging from primary schools to secondary and THE FIRST CREATION STORY (Genesis 1:2:1-3) Before God began to create, the entire world was void but, there was body of water over which the spirit of God was moving. WEEK 8 Acid-Base Reactions. Week 1. Suratul Takathur (Q 102) Suratul Asr (Q103) Reading, translation and commentary of Surah Takathur and Asr. First Term Basic Science Scheme of work JSS1 Topic: Introduction to science Topic: LIVING AND NON -LIVING THINGS (II) HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Topic: FAMILY HEALTH (I) Topic: FAMILY HEALTH (II) Topic: FAMILY – HEALTH (III) Topic: REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: MALE SSS 3. g stocks, soups, sauces. WEEK 4 ANGLES OF ELEVATION AND DEPRESSION. SSS 1 Data Processing Scheme of Work First Term. 6 DATA MODELING III. Measure of Dispersion of Variation of Grouped Data . WEEK 10 Energy and Chemical Reactions. For example, the scheme of work for Biology SS 2 (Senior secondary school two) is the same for both private and public secondary schools in Nigeria, that is, the scheme of work for a private school is the same with that of public or government owned secondary schools, principals and teachers in secondary schools in Nigeria are to adhere to the approved scheme of work as mandated by the Lagos State Scheme of work Computer Studies SS2 Third Term. Lagos State Scheme of work Computer Studies SS2 Third Term. com Lagos State Scheme of work Data Processing. 4 Ways of Reducing Accidents. 6 Interpersonal Relationship. place line in the first quadrant and project into the vertical and horizontal planes. Week 2: The themes and styles. SS2 First Term Geography Scheme of work Lagos State. – Distinction between nuclear reactions and chemical reactions. SSS2 English Language Scheme of Work Second Term. 10 ENTITY – REALATIONSHIP MODELS. 1 Credit – Credit Sales and Deferred Payment. Third term SS2 Further Mathematics Curriculum for Lagos State. AKORI EKO. Awon ohun elo ise agbe: Oko, Ada, ati bee bee lo. SS2 First Term Accounting Scheme of work Lagos State. outline, the differences between asexual and. Scheme of Work on Basic Science JSS1, Ministry of Education Lagos State. WEEK 12 EXAMINATION. EDE – Itesiwaju eko lori oro ise; Alaye lori orisii ati ilo re ninu gbolohun. Week 2: Nucleus: Radioactivity, Nuclear reaction, Nuclear power and atomic bombs Nigeria’s nuclear energy programme. P. 6 CLIMATE. And lastly, the scheme of work for English language SS 2 third term covers topics like Vocabulary and Oral Skills Development, Speaking to persuade/convince in topics like: (i) Farmers are more important than doctors. WRITING: Writing to highlight main and supporting ideas. Browsing through the internet the locate other world agencies responsible for drug law enforcement. First Term SS3 Biology Scheme of Work NAPPS. use. WEEK 8 PROBABILITY. com Lagos State Scheme of work Data. MONEY. Second Term SS3 Physics Scheme of work NAPPS. Identify forms and characteristics of handicap e. They. Ayipada to ti de ba Asa isinku abinibi tabi atohunrinwa. Students: Expands and factorize perfect squares such as (x+3) 2. Graphical Package I. I] The students as a class compare and contrast position distance and displacement Ii] the students go online for more info on Lagos State Chemistry Scheme of work SS2 Third Term. Maintenance of Computer I. (Register) WEEK 3: Adverbs: Adjunct, Conjuncts and Disjuncts. name the types of reproduction in living organisms with examples. 7-8 Depreciation of Fixed Assets. Pressures in fluids. Scalar and vector Quantities­­-Concept of scalar and vector quantities, vector representation etc. Sales ledger control account Format and working exercises purchases ledger and control account Meaning uses/purposes, terms, format and working exercise. WEEK TOPIC. Method of cooking. • mention and demonstrate the duties and obligations of citizenship education to the communities. WEEK 1 The cells. First term examination. Internet -definition of internet -internet browser -benefits of internet. NERDC Curriculum Commerce SS2 Commerce Curriculum Lagos State for SS2 Second Term. 9 NORMAL FORMS III. Tissue and Supporting System (cont’d) Mammalian Teeth. Sep 30, 2020 · Click to download your free F/Maths Scheme of Work SS1First Term in PDF. 5 The Roles of Individuals and Government in Maintaining Traffic Regulations 6 Interpersonal Relationship. Week 1 – 2 Capital – meaning, types and structure. Apr 17, 2024 · April 17, 2024 by Edupodia. Examination. WEEK 3 The cell and its environment, diffusion, osmosis. 8-12 REVISION AND EXAMINATION. Calculate the sum of a given AP. EDE YORUBA AGBEYEWO ATE ETO TITUN FUN OLODUN KEJI (SS2) SA’A’ KIN-IN-NI. 5eme Les pronoms relatif/demonstratives. c. -Boiling e. Revision of last term’s work and examination questions Structure prefixes and suffixes i) Comprehension Listening summary through identifying key words, key sentences and to summarise a passage ii) Structure: Prepositions and prepositional phrases iii) Vocabulary: Antonyms words exactly opposite in meaning and words nearly opposite in THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: LITERATURE-IN-ENGLISH CLASS: SS1 SCHEME OF WORK WEEKS TOPIC 1-2 Reading and Content Analysis of Non-African Poetry: "Do not Go Gentle into that Dark" by Dylan Thomas. Week 5: Introduction to The Blood of a Stranger by Dele Charley. 9. 5 ACTION OF WAVE. Week 3: Energy quantization: Energy levels in atom. Circulatory System. ii. Learners, as a class, on Biblical creation story. Multiplier Effect. Words associated with environment. Week 5 – 6 Business Finance – the financial position of business firms. Sharing is caring. Scalar Product of Vectors inThree Dimension. Finding centre and radius of a given circle. SSS 2 Yoruba Language Scheme of Work First Term. WEEK 3; Dissolution of partnership. ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS. discuss the use of database management 3. Resumption Test/citizenship education -Learning of citizenship -importance education. (oriki ati bi a se ri seda gbolohun akiyesi alatenumo. Apply formulas to solve questions on first term, common difference and nth term of a given AP. Introduction to commerce -definition of commerce and electronic commerce -history of commerce -features of commerce -scope /division of commerce -functions of commerce. Justify the importance of Business Studies in solving economy problems in the country. WEEK 7 Electrode Potential. Digestive System. 025. 7 CLASSIFICATION OF CLIMATE. Sketch the still life/ natural objects and apply any of the shading techniques. Quadratic inequalities and inequalities in two dimensions. GEOGRAPHY. Elements of design 1. Creativity and imagination 2. WEEK 3 Hardness of water. 8 Settlement of Disputes in - FIRST TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR PHYSICS SS 2 – MODIFIED II. NAPPS Lagos Scheme of Work Geography SS1 Third Term. Mechanics: Vectors in Two and Three Dimension. Concept of position, distance and displacement in relation to X –v plane. Week 3 – Skin. Guide students to solve. com 1st Term ss2 Economics Lagos State Scheme of work WEEK TOPIC 1 Measure of Central Tendency of Group Data . WEEK 9 Rates of Chemical Reaction. Electronic mail services. Algorithms and flow charts. com gives you access to Lesson notes, Lesson Plans, Scheme of work,Curriculum, Exams for Nursery, Primary and Secondary Classes. OSE. 11 REVISION. First Summary Test Based on Weeks 1 -3 Works. SS2 FirstTerm Data Processing Curriculum Senior Secondary School Curriculum Data Processing - Edudelight. Assess the career/employment opportunities in Business studies. 1 Final Accounts – Special transactions; Bad Debts, Closing entries e. Solving. SS II. God the Controller of the Universe Gen 1: 26 – 31, Amos 9: 6 – 7, Isaiah 49: 1 – 12. Senior Secondary School Scheme of work Third Term SS2 Edudelight. Systems development life cycle. Welcome test/Revision of SSI work. Explain the meaning of handicap 2. Numbering system in pre-computing age (decimal, whole number, tally …. Students in pair, use daily activities to explain sequence and series using consecutive even numbers, e. Project: Teacher to guide students on calibration of a thermometer in Celsius scale. ACTIVITIES. Exploratory: The students engage in a deep and constructive discussions backed with facts they have. A cardboard/print out picture of the subject matter. Simultaneous linear equations (revision) Use of the graphical methods to solve other related equations. 1eme La meduction, comer mon ecole, mon weekend e. Prefixes. 1 – 2 Co-operative Societies. Factors Responsible For Nigeria Federation; The Structure, Features And Problems of Nigeria Federalism. Revision of Second Term Examination Questions. Tissue and Supporting System. Students as a class, brainstorm on the creation study. Meaning of elements of design. Modification of the feeding habits; filter feeders;- fluid feeders,- insects feeders;- parasitic and saprophytic feeders ii) feeding in protozoa and hydra etc. iii. Feb 27, 2020 · This scheme of work contains week, topic/ content as well as activities which are vital for lesson planning. Students list and write the four elements of design. WRITING. determine the true length and angles of a line in space 4. Projectile: Trajectory of Projectile, Greatest Height Reached, Time of Flight, Range, and Projectile along Inclined Plane. The Sovereignty of God -God the Creator Gen. Please be informed that this scheme of work has been made available and free for all teachers in secondary schools in Nigeria by schoolings. * Students, in pairs, generate sentences from from newly formed nouns. SS2 Third Term Yoruba Scheme of work Lagos State. WEEK 1. 7 NORMAL FORM. Facebook. 3 ACTION OF WIND. Yoruba Scheme of work SS3 First Term Lagos State NAPPS. Animal Husbandry Scheme of Work SSS 3 Third Term. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I] recall most of the concepts taught last term. Writes the Arabic Text Underlines words & phrases in the SurahGives a model reading of the whole Surah. 12 EXAMINATION. Second Term SS2 Financial Accounting Scheme of work. the terms work with teacher’s guidance. Biology Curriculum SS2 Lagos State for Second Term. WEEK 3 ANGLES AND POLYGON. Fasting (Sawm) Meaning and values Relevant verses and Hadith of the holy prophet (SAW) on fasting. Read More ». Student individually draw a named fish of their choice and present it to the class. list feature of MS-access. Learning resource: charts textbook, notebook, pictures. 5 Trade Associations/Chambers of Commerce. Characteristic (features) of drama. SSS 3. Database management system Definition of database and database management system. Attempt test question correctly 2. TOPIC / CONTENT. 3 – 4 Public Enterprises. Projectiles and its application. Demand For And Supply Of Money. Explain the meaning of time and energy management 3: Compare the advantages and disadvantages time and energy management 4. Derivation of equation of linear motion, Motion under gravity, calculation using these equations. 2 Factors that can lead to theSuccess of Responsible Parenthood. Scheme of work Jss 2 Mathematics third term – Modified I. Equilibrium Level Of Income. WEEK 6 Electrolysis. EDE: Gbolohun Eleyo Oro-ise i. Motives For Holding Money. Transport System in Higher Plants. Week 7 – 8 The Stock Exchange. classify. 8 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES. WEEK 4 Properties and function of the cells. Purchase and Sale of goods – Terms of Trade, Terms of Payment, Common Abbreviations. Revision of the 2 nd half term is work and preparation for examination. g line, colour, form, space and texture. SS2 Scheme of Work Further Mathematics. Teacher explains the meaning and component of elements of design. Below is the scheme of work containing the topics the learners at the senior secondary two level are expected to learn from the subject. LE SCHEME DU TRAVAIL. Students solve some. Download Link 1 SOW for F/Maths Link 2: SOW for F/Maths. SS1 Third Term English Studies Curriculum – Modified II. SS2 First Term Commerce Scheme of work Lagos State. – Natural and artificial radioactivity – Devices used in detecting radiation. Access free Unified Photography Scheme of work SSS2. NERDC Scheme of work Physics SS2, Physics Scheme of work SS2 Third Term, Rectilinear propagation of light, reflection of light…. All embedded core skills used during the term. Position, distance and displacement. Then God separated the light from the darkness and called it Day and named the darkness Night. Week 6 -Ecolgy of Population. As usual, please note that scheme of work may vary for different regions/states, and the education body can update/change the scheme as well. 1:1-26, Ps. -Show the students their icons on the computer. For Economics Students in SS2. determinants; Solution of 2×3 simultaneous equations. The first thing that was created was light. Students in small groups discuss the similarities and differences between the types of aquaculture. At the end of the session students are able to: Distinguish and calculate variance and deviations (mean and standard) of a given data, create the best and the simplest methods for solving a simultaneous equation. Draw the graph of simple exponential function. FINANCIAL INSTITUTION. Leadership I Observe and raise questions on still life/ natural objects set. You can equally zoom the note to increase or decrease the display size to fit your preference. and analyze the term fishery: 2. 6-7 Produce a two yard each of coloured material by pleating and folding method. SCHEME OF WORK FOR SS2 PHYSICS FIRST TERM Force momentum and Newton’s laws of motion. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: I]identify the debit and credit items of sales ledger control account and purchases ledger control account Ii] pinpoint items for sales SS2 Further Mathematics Curriculum – Modified. -students in pairs discuss the topics that were taught that were taught last term -students as a class provide answers to the questions that will be given. explain the term database 2. 1 Responsible Parenthood. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i] define commerce, E-commerce , (ii) trace the history of commerce, (iii Review of the first half term’s work and test. ii- Revises the last term work on definition of mental health, definition and objectives of health education iii: -Identification of body system iv: Enumerate ways of relating with elderly people. See full list on schemeofwork. 8 NORMAL FORM II. The Development of Political Parties In Nigeria (i) Nigeria National Democratic Party (NNDP) (ii) The Nigeria Youth Movement (NYM) (iii) The National Council of Nigeria and Cameroon (N. 2. WEEK 4 & 5 Mass-Volume Relationship. Types of Drama: tragedy, comedy, tragi-comedy, farce, melodrama, playlet etc. 6-7 Reading and Content Analysis of Non-African Poetry: "Good-Morrow" by John Donne. Value Of Money And Price Level. 1&2. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. 4 ACTION OF GLACIER. Week 3 – 4 Profit – meaning, types and structure. describe forms of asexual reproduction and give examples of organism that exhibit each one. Facebook LinkedIn. Purchase and Sale of goods – Main documents used. FIRST TERM. WEEK 5 STATISTICS. WEEK 6 Growth (mitosis) Week 1 REVISION OF SECOND TERM UNIFIED EXAMINATION. WEEK 1 & 2 Water and Solutions. 6 Industrial Combinations. Your email address will not be published. Explain with relevant examples what is meant by Business and its components. ENGLISH STUDIES JSS II. LITIRESO – Itupale asayan iwe ti ajo WAEC/NECO yan ti rgbe Akomolede fi owo si. Welcome test/God the creation of man and all things. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. WEEK 11 REVIVSION. -Students to generate mechanical waves using ropes and springs. computer Studies scheme of work 2. WEEK 1: The Use of the Dictionary and Words commonly miss pelt. A warning activities discussed in SS1 insurance. sexual reproduction into tabular form. 5. THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION CLASS: SS 2 WEEK TOPIC 1 Responsible Parenthood. Week 4 -The Spinal Cord. 2 Final Accounts – Provision for doubtful debts. Required fields are marked *. WKS: TOPICS: LEARNING THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: GOVERNMENT CLASS: SS2 WEEK TOPIC Nigeria Federalism-Origin. Equation of circle passing through 3 points. By the end of the session students should be able to recapitulate Secondary School 1 (SS1) lessons and identify different types of expression and equations. Gen. WEEK 9 Alkanols. 3. • explain the meaning of citizenship education. Literature in English Language second term Scheme of work for Nigeria senior secondary school two (SS2) students. All embedded core skills used during SSI. 1&2 REVISION/ACTION OF RUNNING WATER. Internet. Reading for main ideas. C. Genres of literature (General) Genres of literature I (Drama) Definition of Drama. Explanation on the meaning and values of fasting in Islam as the holy prophet did. 4 Demand And Supply . Ise agbe, gege bi ise abinibi gbogbo wa. Practical effects of state changes: Melting, evaporation, vapour pressures, boiling and humidity. i). 6. * Students, in small groups, analyze nominalization of adjectives and verbs. Construction of quadratic equation from sum and products of roots. WEEK 4: Narrative Essay or a Recount. Expansion of Gases and gas laws. draw projection of a line in space 3. ) Brainstorming: using library as a guide, students are made to rearrange a set of mixed-up books using tags, tally and numbering. Listen to teacher’s recitation (b) Listen to the recorded materials (c) Recite after the teacher. 1. Table of Contents. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the meaning of insurance. 4eme La grammaire/les pronoms reflexifs. First Term SS3 Further Mathematics Lagos State Scheme of work. WEEK 6 – 7 Organic Chemistry (Hydrocarbons) WEEK 8 Benzene and its Compound. Week 9. SSS 2. 9 Depreciation of Fixed Assets. Critical thinking and problem solving 3. Week 1: Introduction to Faceless by Amma Darko. PHYSICS SS2 FIRST TERM SCHEME. 3 Traffic Regulations. deafness, mental retarded, physically challenged: visually impaired etc. WEEK 2 The cell structure and functions of cell component. – admission of new partners, terminologies goodwill account, valuation of assets, treatment of goodwill according to profit sharing ratio. ) (i Guides students in the steps involved in solving quadratic equation using completing the square method. All instructional materials used in SS1 insurance. 2 Credit – Hire Purchase, Leases, Mortgages etc. Money Market (Meaning, Functions And Instruments Used) 9: CORRECTIVE AND ADAPTIVE P. • analyze the importance of citizenship education. Revision (Welcome Test) By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: i- Identify last term topics. Vocating and visiting some of the agencies concerned with drug law enforcement. THIRD TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR PHYSICS SS2. give example of database software 4. – Half – life. Describe the preparation of stocks, sauces and soups 4. Economics as a school subject, studies rational behaviour of humans. SS2 First Term Chemistry Scheme of work Lagos State. (ii) women are better leaders than men, corruption destroys a nation, Vocabulary and Oral Skills Development, Listening to Second Term SS3 NAPPS SCHEME OF WORK. Digestive System (cont’d) Transport System. Nigeria: Location, Position and Size – Longitude, Latitude, Boundaries and Neighbouring Countries – Size: Distance from South to North, West to East, Land area and Size in Relation to West Africa and Africa. Choose ways of preventing fatigue. – Concepts of total, average and marginal productivity. Edudelight. Project work. 3 Final Accounts – Provision for discounts. Week 1-Regulation of Internal Environment. Application of management process to energy. Students in small groups brainstorm on the twenty four consonants. WEEK 2: Words associated with Advertising. WEEK 6 STATISTICS. com Third Term ss2 Economics Scheme of work Lagos State WEEK. All learning activities in SS1 and SS2, 1 st and 2 nd term. WEEK. Then God spoke and creation began. Recommended: Lesson Notes and Exam Questions & Answers. Program development. Differentiate between stocks, sauces and soups 2. Muslim States in the face of European colonization in West Africa. Lagos State Unified Scheme of work Economics SS2 Second Term -NAPPS. LISTENING AND SPEAKING. WEEK 1 Periodic Table. Gbolohun akiyesi alatonumo io. Fire insurance. Week 2. Basic programming ii. explain the terms in the planes and views in space 5. PRODUCTION: Production Possibility Curve: – Meaning and Graphical illustration – Law of variable proportion. 9 – 12. Heat capacity. Resumption Test/pre-colonial administration. iv. Meaning Of The Theory Of Multiplier. JSS 2 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FIRST TERM CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS: THE COMPUTER SYSTEM: HARDWARE COMPONENTS SOFTWARE: PEOPLE WARE: OPERATING SYSTEM: NUMBER BASE Revision of the Term’s Work Week 11 – 12. i. WEEK 1; Revision of 1st term’s work and goodwill. WEEK 2 & 3 Oxidation and Reduction Reactions. : 2, 4, 6, 8. The Glorious Qur’an. Students in pairs identify the units of measurement of work, energy and power. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. WEEK 1 REVISION OF SECOND TERM’S. feeding in mammals; Lagos State Chemistry Scheme of work SS2 Third Term. Latent heats. 3-5 Reading and Content Analysis of Non-African Play: Fences by August Wilson. questions of the like 0 2 + 0 2 + 1 = 0, using some laws of indices and method of solving a quadratic equation. Students, as a class, discuss the meaning of farmstead, survey and planning. Equation of circle given centre and radius. Elementary Quantity Theory Of Money. READING TO UNDERSTAND THE WRITER’S PURPOSE. Means and demonstration. Islamic Studies JSS 2 First Term Scheme of Work. Lagos State Schemes of Work SS2 Husbandry for Senior Secondary School Schemeofwork. Guide students on interpretation of value on graph for simple. Oriki Ihun gbolohun eleyo oro-ise ii. This article lists the scheme of work for the Senior Secondary School 2 (SS2) classes, term by term. Tie/dyeing (by pleating or folding with coloured fabric in two colours) 4-5 Pleating and folding of colour material. BIOLOGY SS 2 FIRST TERM. General revision of SS1 insurance schemes of work. Students as a class brainstorm on the meaning of work, energy and power and the relationship between them. By the end of the lesson: student should be able 1. SS2 Third Term Data Processing Scheme of work Junior Secondary School Scheme of work Data Processing - Edudelight. General Revision of SS2 first and second term’s work and examinations. dl dy mv rz am kb te ep hd eb